
Shadowing Network

HLG is a special interest group of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP). We are a UK-based network of individuals working in or professionally interested in health and social care.

As part of HLG’s continuing professional development offer, we have created a shadowing network that allows people interested in learning about different health and social care sectors, workplaces, or job roles to visit and shadow fellow professionals.

What does joining the Shadowing Network mean for my library service?

By joining the network, you are indicating that you are happy to provide continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities to support existing and aspiring library and knowledge professionals within the health and care sector. This can include any of the following types of opportunities:

How can my library service get involved in the Shadowing Network?

If you’re a library interested in hosting a visitor, simply add the Shadowing Network to your library networks on HLISD so other libraries and individuals know they can contact you for more information. If you haven’t already you might want to add individual contacts to your library too. You can edit your library entry by logging in to the admin page. (Your library will have a local editor with the login details or see our FAQ pages for help)

How can my library service provide a good shadowing experience?

We are working on guidance and best practices for hosting a visitor and getting the most from a shadowing visit. These resources will be shared on the HLG website and social media.

How do I use the Shadowing Network for my own CPD?

If you’re looking to visit a library, simply use their contact details to introduce yourself and what you hope to achieve from a shadowing experience and arrange a visit!

How can my library service provide a good shadowing experience?

We are working on guidance and best practices for hosting a visitor and getting the most from a shadowing visit. These resources will be shared on the HLG website and social media.