Health Library & Information Services Directory
Term : Mon - Fri: 24 Hour Opening; Sat & Sun: 24 Hour Opening,Library Desk: Mon - Thurs: 8.30am - 7pm. Fri: 8.30am - 5pm. Sat & Sun: 12pm - 5pm.,Vacations: Mon – Fri: 08.30 – 17.00: Closed Weekends,
Students registered on full-time and part-time courses at Buckinghamshire New University and partner colleges, academic staff, PTVLs, and research staff.
•Business and Management ,•Creative and Visual Communications ,•Design and Craft ,Drama,Film Studies,•Journalism, Script and Performance ,•Law ,•Music and Event Management ,•New Media and Technologies,•Sports Management,•Social Sciences including: Education; Health & Social Care; Psychology; Social Work; Sociology; Criminology: and Police Studies,•Travel and Aviation ,
Buckinghamshire County Furniture Collection,Sorenson Collection – Security ManagementPrinted abstracts and indexes; print books; print journals; subscription databases; electronic journals; e-books; and subject related web resources.
Ramps and lift allow wheelchair access to all floors of High Wycombe Campus Library. The Library entrance is in the second floor and occupies the third, fourth and fifth floors of the Gateway Building.
SIRSIDynix Symphony
Society of College, National and University Libraries
National Union List of Journals
M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries
Last updated almost 2 years ago
Catherine Williams - Academic Liaison Librarian (School Business Partner)