Health Library & Information Services Directory
Monday to Friday, 9.30 - 4.30
Out of hours access is available for Trust staff with swipe cards.
All DHCFT and DCHS staff are eligible for library membership. Social Services staff working as part of Trust Teams are eligible to join the Library,Students on placment within the Trust may register for access, but borrowing may be restricted.The Library is part of the East Midlands NHS Libraries reciprocal access scheme. Please enquire for further information.
Mental Health,Psychology,Psychiatry,Learning Disablities,General health, NHS management and related texts for all professional groups,Children's Services,
Library situated on the ground floor of the Ashbourne Centre, Kingsway Hospital,,
LAWMUNION: London & Midlands Union Catalogue
National Union List of Journals
MIDS INC network covering the Midlands
NHS East Midlands Library Managers Group
Last updated 4 months ago
Marie Hickman - Library and Knowledge Manager
Emma Bayliss - Assistant Librarian
Meara Brooks - Library Assistant