Health Library & Information Services Directory
Staffed Hours
Mon - Fri 09.00-17.00
24 hour access available to library members - Visit the library during staffed hours for more information
All clinical, non-clinical and support staff and students on placement from:
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Sussex Community NHS FoundationTrust
First Community for Health & Care
CSH Surrey
Virgin Care
GPs, CCGs and their staff working in north West Sussex and east Surrey
Public Health staff working in Surrey or Sussex
St Catherine's Hospice
Other NHS staff working for Kent, Surrey and Sussex wide organisations
Medical and nursing specialities
Leadership and management
Study skills
Personal development
Access the large collection of printed and electronic books, journals and other resources including Anatomy TV, and the Healthcare databases (AMED, BNI, CINAHL, EMBASE, Health Business Elite, HMIC, MEDLINE and PsychINFO)
Check out your local organisation specific resources on our website: http://www.surreyandsussexlibraryservices.nhs.uk/organisations/
KSS-ES; Maple (NULJ)
National Union List of Journals
Last updated 14 days ago
Holly Case Wyatt - Head of Library Services and Knowledge Management
Susan Merner - Deputy Head of Library Services
Karen Skinner - Outreach Librarian
Adam Blackwell - Assistant Librarian I.T. Projects
Celestina Lau - Assistant Librarian Outreach
Helen Allen - Senior Library Assistant
Susan Smith - Senior Library Assistant
Sian Evans - Library Assistant