Health Library & Information Services Directory
Mon-Thurs: 8.30 - 17.00; Fri: 8.30 - 16.30 (Staffed),Library access available: 7.00 - Midnight.
A self-issue kiosk is available for users to loan, renew and return books during both manned and unmanned hours.
All libraries within the BCUHB Libraries are open to members of the BCUHB, wherever they are based, and to medical and healthcare students on placement. Please contact the library for further information on services available for external user groups.
Healthcare, Medicine.
The library aims to support education and research within the Health Board, by providing literature and general information in electronic and paper formats. Key resources include: a comprehensive collection of print and e-journals ; IT suites with a total of 21 PCs, with Internet access; quiet study rooms; inter-library loans service; photocopying and scanning; WiFi access; database and critical appraisal training; and UpToDate.
A lift to the first floor is available in the entrance hall of the Medical Institute.
Last updated 5 months ago
Pauline Goodlad - Librarian