Health Library & Information Services Directory
Visitors are asked to initially come at a time where staff are present - usually between 9am to 5pm, Monday - Sunday.
Full opening hours can be found online: http://www.gre.ac.uk/it-and-library/library/opening-hours
Clinical staff at local NHS trusts, alumni, SCONUL members, and other users may be entitled to use the library. Please visit our 'Visitor Access' guide for details: https://www.gre.ac.uk/it-and-library/visitor/library-services/visitor-access
Nursing and midwifery, paramedic practice, social care, education and training (including post-compulsory education).
The Library and its services are accessible to special needs users.
A retrieval service is offered where access to resources proves difficult. This applies particularly to those with mobility problems or who are visually impaired.
Designated toilet facility.
Society of College, National and University Libraries
M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries
University Health and Medical Librarians Group
Last updated almost 2 years ago