Health Library & Information Services Directory
Mon - Fri: 09.00-17.00
All Trust and members of other HeLM libraries are able to access the library and students on placement within the Trust.
Medicine, nursing and allied health. Management, personal and professional development. Some fiction. Reminiscence collection.
Solihull Hospital Library is one of the four University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust libraries. Our sister libraries are at Heartlands, Good Hope and Queen Elizabeth Hospitals
The library is on the first floor and a lift is available.
West Midlands Healthcare Library Network
LAWMUNION: London & Midlands Union Catalogue
MIDS INC network covering the Midlands
Last updated 4 months ago
Vacant - Library Apprentice
Christopher Bloxham - Librarian
Emily Johnson - Deputy Knowledge Manager
Laura Walsh - Clinical Liaison Librarian and Solihull Library Site Manager
Richard Parker - Knowledge Manager
Jamie Edgar - Library Assistant