Monday to Friday: 10am - 7pm
Saturday (not during August): 9am - 5pm
Sundays and Public holidays: Closed
About our Service
Access Policy
Full access including borrowing rights for RCN members, library subscribers and RCN staff. Reference use for non-members.
Collection and Service Information
The largest nursing-specific collection in Europe: 50,000 books, 20,000 eBooks and 2,000 journals (print and online).
Bibliographic databases include: British Nursing Index (BNI), CINAHL, ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Premium, Internurse, Intermid, Maternity & Infant Care, MEDLINE, AMED, HMIC, EMCare, Social Policy & Practice.
Nursing and Nursing History
Steinberg collection of nursing research. Historical and permanent book collection.
RCN collection.