Health Library & Information Services Directory
The library, journal room and office are located on the first floor of the Postgraduate Centre in Withybush Hospital.
01437 773730
01437 773729
24 HOUR ACCESS with a Library Membership Card - apply in office,
• Library staff are available during normal office hours, but arrangement can be made if you need help outside of these hours.
• If you are making a special journey to one of the libraries
The Library Service caters for all current employees of the Health Board and Students on placement within the organisation.
Outside membership for Health Professionals is considered upon application.
Wide range of health educational resources,
The library currently stocks a wide range of up to date books.
The loan period for books is one calendar month.
Certain textbooks are for Reference Only and may not be borrowed.
The library holds current journals, back copies and access to electronic journals. Please note that journals are for reference only, and should not be removed.
A journal holdings list is available both in paper format and electronically on the Library and Knowledge Resources Web Page.
The Library also has access to a growing number of electronic journals available via the NHS Wales e-library and the Library and Knowledge Resources Web Page. NHS Wales ‘Athens’ passwords will be required to access some of the resources. Please contact the library staff if you require assistance setting up your password.
National Union List of Journals
Last updated 9 months ago
Angie Laws - Site Librarian