Sir Thomas Browne Library, Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital
Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Find us
The Library is adjacent to West Annexe 3 next to the staff car park. Books can also be returned in the red book bin in the East Atrium.
Opening Times
The Library is staffed and open at the following times:
Monday-Thursday 9.00-17.30
Friday 9.00-17.00
About our Service
Access Policy
Trust ID badge required for access to the Library. All other access by appointment only.
Collection and Service Information
Approx. 10000 books, a selection of print journals and some multimedia resources. Access to electronic resources with current NHS Athens account.
NHS health care library service covering medicine, nursing and allied health professions.
Batty Shaw Collection of books and other documentation with a local medical or historical connection, including works by local medical authors.
Document Supply
Situated on ground floor with one step into the unit. Disabled toilet facilities nearby.
East of England Health Libraries Network
Eastern Document Exchange Network
Last updated 4 months ago
Kim Barker-Ottley - Library and Knowledge Services Manager
Richard Looney - Library Assistant
John Losasso - Deputy Librarian
Callum Strainger - Apprentice Library Assistant
Rebecca Bradshaw - Regional LMS Manager