Newcomb Library
Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Find us
Homerton Row
The Library is on the ground floor of the Education Centre, which is a separate building at the rear of the main hospital.
020 8510 7751
Opening Times
Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 17:00 - staffed
Monday to Friday 06:00 - 21:00 - out of hours access only with a Homerton ID badge
Check our website, , for notification of any changes to the above
This library service also serves:
East London NHS Foundation Trust
About our Service
Access Policy
We offer services to all hospital, community, primary care and mental health staff based at Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, City & Hackney and East London NHS Foundation Trust, as well as students on placement.
Collection and Service Information
4000+ physical books for loan and online access to e-books, e-journals and other e-resources via OpenAthens.
Study area and a separate computer room.
Subjects covered: clinical medicine, midwifery, nursing, general practice, allied health, management, IT, etc.
We aim to provide resources which will assist ALL (not just clinical) staff in their clinical effectiveness, education, training, professional development and research needs.
We also support staff well-being.
Special collection of medically-themed graphic novels.
Document Supply
The library is on the ground floor of the Education Centre, which is accessible by ramp.
Last updated 8 months ago
Heather Mills - Assistant Librarian
Dalia Payne - Library Assistant
Melinda Singh - Assistant Librarian
Kaye Bagshaw - Library Manager
Sarah Hughes - Library Assistant