Health Library & Information Services Directory
01625 661362
24/7 access for East Cheshire NHS Trust staff - swipe in with your staff ID badge.
Staffed Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm.
East Cheshire NHS Trust staff and students on placement have full access and borrowing.
NHS staff at local trusts have limited borrowing rights.
Reference access for any NHS employee.
Reference access for the public, by appointment.
Medicine; surgery; nursing; psychology; sociology; research, examinations, wellbeing; other health topics; management, small fiction collection
c.5,000 books
The Library can be accessed via lifts which can be found through the door to the right of the main foyer. There is also a staircase next to the lifts.
NoW Koha (PTFS Europe)
National Union List of Journals
Libraries and Information for Health Network Northwest
Pan Northern Document Delivery Agreement
Last updated 4 months ago
Alison Thornley - Library & Knowledge Service Manager
Holly Cook - Clinical Librarian
Sue Camp - Library Assistant (general enquiries; ILLs)
Rowan Smith - e-Resources Librarian