Health Library & Information Services Directory
24/7 access for users with swipe card access. You will need to attend during staffed hours if you do not have a swipe card yet.
Staff on site:
Monday - Friday: 09:00-21:00
Saturday: 13:30-17:00
Please note: Opening hours may change at short notice.
Books can be returned 24/7 via the red book returns box at the library entrance
24/7 swipe card access is available for Imperial College London staff and students and NHS staff in trusts affiliated to Imperial with active library membership, including access to the library’s quiet study area and book collection and College and NHS Trust networked PCs.
Information for visitors is available on the library website.
The library is situated on the lower ground floor which can be accessed via stairs, escalator and lift.
For library members with mobility issues, we have a wide entrance gate and all the library is on one floor.
Last updated 8 months ago
Emma Shaw - Library Manager & Liaison Librarian (Medicine)
Phillip Barlow - NHS Support