Health Library & Information Services Directory
See the website at,https://my.cumbria.ac.uk/Student-Life/Learning/Resources/Libraries/Lancaster-Campus/
Reference access to the public. Borrowing under the P2P: Passport to Partnership scheme for Cumbria and Lancashire NHS staff. Other reciprocal access schemes also offer borrowing access - please see the website at ,https://my.cumbria.ac.uk/Student-Life/Learning/Resources/Using-the-Libraries/Using-other-libraries/ Access to electronic resources is not available to non-University of Cumbria staff and students.
Nursing, Occupational Therapy, radiography, midwifery, general health
You can search the library catalogue at,http://cumbria-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?vid=44UOC_VU1&=&institute=&dscnt=1&fromLogin=true&dstmp=1501581534580&initializeIndex=true&fromLogin=true
Wheelchair access. Lift available.
University Health and Medical Librarians Group
Libraries and Information for Health Network Northwest
Last updated about 2 years ago
Trudy Purkiss - Library Academic Adviser Health courses on Fusehill campus