Health Library & Information Services Directory
Mon-Fri 09.00-16.00
Worcestershire NHS employees. Others by appointment.
Multidisciplinary collection of medical / healthcare / mental health titles.
Historic medical books as part of the George Marshall Medical Museum.Books, journals. reports, computers with internet access for staff members only. BT Openzone WiFi available.
Access to back journal issues difficult for wheel chair users.
Worcestershire Health Libraries
LAWMUNION: London & Midlands Union Catalogue
National Union List of Journals
MIDS INC network covering the Midlands
Last updated 5 months ago
David Chamberlain - Library & Knowledge Services Manager
Paul Sparrow - Library & Informatics Assistant/ Registration Authority Agent
Carly Farmer - Senior Library & Informatics Assistant/RA Agent
Emma Gibbs - Resources Librarian
Helen Holland - Library and Informatics Assistant/ RA Agent